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fs (file system package) extensions

  • 0.3.15
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  • npm
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Functions that complement and extend fs package

Originally derived from node-ext package.


$ npm install fs2


access(path[, mode[, cb]]) (fs2/access)

Same as fs.access. Returns promise.

chmod(path, mode[, cb]) (fs2/chmod)

Same as fs.chmod. Returns promise.

Not available on Windows.

Extra options:

  • append - If set to true, then given mode is appended to file

copy(src, dest[, options[, cb]]) (fs2/copy)

Copy file, returns promise but accepts as well regular callback. Eventual options are passed to underlying fs.createWriteStream

Extra options:

  • force - Overwrite destination if exists
  • loose - Do not error if source file doesn't exits, abort and resolve with null instead.
  • intermediate - Whether to create directories recursively (if parent is not created),

copyDir(src, dest[, options[, cb]]) (fs2/copy-dir)

Copy directory recursively, returns promise but accepts as well regular callback.

Supported options:

  • loose - Do not error if file doesn't exits or is inaccessible, return false instead.

descriptorsHandler() (fs2/descriptors-handler)

Initializes EMFILE errors prevention.

To be used only in main modules. Never require it in generic module that may be required in others

How it works? If limit of descriptors is reached it holds the calls to native functions and releases them when taken descriptors are freed.

Internally it provides same solution as fs-graceful module with following differences:

  1. Focuses only on file descriptors limit problem
  2. Gives access to taken/available descriptors count and allows setting of limit by external module. Thanks to that we can also cover descriptors opened by module (watch is bound to that module)
  3. Covers readdir calls (which also happen to throw EMFILE errors)
  4. More bulletproof (I assume) error handling logic

emptyDirSync(path[, options]) (fs2/empty-dir-sync)

Empty directory synchronously

Supported options:

  • recursive - Attempt to empty directory content recursively (if not set, command will succeed only on removing top level directory files)

hasAccess(path[, options[, cb]]) (fs2/has-access)

Conditional version of access. Returns promise.

Supported options:

  • mode - Passed as mode argument to access
  • loose - Do not error if file doesn't exits, resolve with null instead.

isDirectory(path[, cb]) (fs2/is-directory)

Whether path points to a directory Resolves with true if provided path points to a directory, false if provided path points to a non-directory file, null if there's no file at path. Returns promise.

isFile(path[, cb]) (fs2/is-file)

Whether path points to existing file Resolves with true if provided path points to a file, false if provided path points to existing non-directory file, null if there's no file at path. Returns promise.

isIgnored(mode, path[, options[, cb]]) (fs2/is-ignored)

Whether file is ignored up to predefined rules. Returns promise but regular callback is also supported.

Rules are decided by mode argument. Currently only git mode is supported, in that case rules are searched in .gitignore files (Rules have effect only if placed in valid git repositories). Other modes can be easily configured by extending _ignoreModes module (See lib/fs/_ignore-modes directory to see how it's done).

Supported options:

  • globalRules string|array - additional global rules. They will be matched as if placed in filesystem root directory, it means that any rules found in existing ignore files may override them.
  • watch bool - whether to watch for changes. If ignore state would change, returned promise would emit change event with new value (true/false)

Whether path points to a symlimk Resolves with true if provided path points to symlink, false if provided path points to a non-symlink file, null if there's no file at path. Returns promise.

Additionally resultion can be fine tuned for specific needs with below options:

Supported options:

  • linkPath string - Expected linkPath to which symlink should point. If provided and symlink points elsewhere false is returned.
  • recursive bool - whether check for matching linkPath should be applied to final path (so if symlink points to other symlink we check against the final path, and not linked symlink path)

lchmod(path, mode[, cb]) (fs2/lchmod)

Same as fs.lchmod. Returns promise.

Only available on Mac OS X.

lstat(path[, cb]) (fs2/lstat)

Same as fs.lstat. Returns promise.

Supported options:

  • loose - Return null instead of erroring if file doesn't exist

mkdir(path[, options|mode[, cb]]) (fs2/mkdir)

Extended version of native mkdir. Returns promise

Supported options:

  • mode - Reflects mode in native version
  • intermediate - Whether to create directories recursively (if parent is not created), reflects mkir -p, internal implementation inspired by Substack's node-mkdirp
  • silent - Do not throw error if directory already exists

readFile(path[, options][, cb]) (fs2/read-file)

Extended version of native fs.readFile. Returns promise

Supported options:

  • loose - Do not error if file doesn't exits or is inaccessible, return null instead.
  • watch - Whether to watch file for changes. Changes are emited via change event on returned promise. If file was removed and loose option is off, end event is emitted and watcher is closed

readdir(path[, options[, cb]]) (fs2/readdir)

Extended version of native fs.readdir. Returns promise

Suported options:

  • loose boolean- Resolve with null (instead of error) if directory doesn't exist
  • depth number- Level of recurse into subdirectories. Defaults to 0 which resembles behavior of native version. If you want to recurse without any nest limitation just provide Infinity
  • type object- Which type of files should be returned. By default all files are returned. Stats methods shows how many different types can be returned. To narrow it down provide a hash. e.g. { file: true, symbolicLink: true }.
  • pattern regexp- Filter returned files by specific pattern. Pattern should be regular expression that would be matched against full path.
  • watch bool - Watch directory for changes. Changes are emitted on returned promise with change events. event object states which files were added (event.added) and which were removed (event.removed), Starting from next release (v0.4) this functionality will most likely be provided as valid Node.js stream
  • stream bool - Whether to provide data continuously. Currently it's not provided as a stream per se (it would be starting from next release, v0.4), data is emited as change events on returned promise object, structure of event objects described under watch option
  • ignoreRules string|array - Whether to obey ignore rules found in ignore files. See fs.isIgnored for more information
  • globalRules string|array - Global rules that complement ignoreRules. See fs.isIgnored for more information.
  • dirFilter function|regexp - Filter out directories into which we should not recurse to. Can be provided as function which having directory name should return boolaen (true if we should recurse into directory), or as regex which if matches means that directory should be recurse into. Neverthless depth setting is supported unconditionally

Same as fs.readlink. Returns promise. Supports loose: true option, which when passed, resolves with null (instead of exception) if file at path is not a symlink or it doesn't exist.

realpath(path[, options[, cb]]) (fs2/realpath)

Same as fs.realpath. Returns promise. Supports loose: true option, which when passed, resolves with null (instead of exception) if path doesn't exist

rename(oldPath, newPath[, cb]) (fs2/rename)

Same as fs.rename. Returns promise.

Supported options:

  • intermediate - Whether to create directories recursively (if parent is not created)

rmdir(path[, options[, cb]]) (fs2/rmdir)

Extended version of native rmdir. Returns promise

Supported options:

  • recursive - Attempt to remove directory with subdirectories recursively.
  • force - Attempt to remove other files within directory as well.
  • loose - Do not error if directory doesn't exist

rmdirSync(path[, options]) (fs2/rmdir-sync)

Extended version of native rmdirSynnc.

Supported options:

  • recursive - Attempt to remove directory with all its content recursively.

stat(path[, cb]) (fs2/stat)

Same as fs.stat. Returns promise.

Supported options:

  • loose - Return null instead of erroring if file doesn't exist

Same as fs.symlink. Returns promise that resolves with true if symlink was created (false can be returned with loose option, when symlink already exists)

Supported options:

  • intermediate - Attempt to create directory with subdirectories in which symlink is expected to be placed if they do not exist
  • loose - Do not error if same symlink at path already exists
  • force - If there's other file at the path, remove and retry to create symlink

typeByStats(stats) (fs2/type-by-stats)

Returns type of file according to provided stats object.

Same as fs.unlink. Returns promise.

Supported options:

  • loose - Do not error if file doesn't exist

Same as fs.unlinkSync, but with support for extra options.

Supported options:

  • loose - Do not error if file doesn't exist

watchPath(path) (fs2/watch-path)

Watch specific path for changes. It's about observing specific file path (not directory content). change events are emitted with event object where event.type says wether file was created, modified or removed.

watch(path) (fs2/watch)

Watch file for changes. wrapper that works same way on every platform, always configured in persistent: false mode. It's aware of open file descriptors limitations, if EMFILE error is approach, switch to alternative mode that pings file stats (see fs.watchFile) is made.

writeFile(filename, data[, options|encoding[, callback]]) (fs2/write-file)

Same as native fs.writeFile but safe for simultaneous calls of write to same file (in such case current write will be abandonded, and new would be started).

Supported options:

  • encoding - Reflects encoding in native version
  • intermediate - In case directory doesn't exist, whether to create full directory path

Tests Build Status

$ npm test



Package last updated on 02 Oct 2024

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